Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Crucifixion by Rembrandt

The Crucifixion of Jesus the Christ by Rembrandt. The world-famous artist Rembrandt spent his entire adult life creating Biblical themed art work. His passion was also drawing the life events of Jesus Christ, as written in the New Testament. Today's art piece -- from the Wonders of the Bible collection -- is a 19th century re-strike of his famous copper plate etching made in the 1600's. My next piece, posting next week, will show Rembrandt's sketch of the Angel meeting Mary at the empty tomb. May God Bless You Today -- and Every Day! Love one another as Jesus loves you.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Virgin as she appeared to Saint Catherine Laboure

The Virgin as she appeared to Saint Catherine Laboure. This is a large-format, 3D lenticular photograph, circa 1950s. When seen in person, the rays emanating from the hands visually extend out from the image, and the sky and clouds are set back far into the distance. It is truly a beautiful example of 3D lenticular photography. Also note the 12 stars, the earthly globe she is standing upon, and the serpent under her foot (noted in Genesis 3:15: commonly called the “Protevangelium” — a term that essentially signifies the idea of “first gospel proclamation.”, i.e the first messianic prophecy in the Old Testament.) God Bless You Today -- and Every Day!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jesus, Mary and Martha Stereograph

Jesus, Mary and Martha by Domenico Mastroianni. Domenico was born on January 1, 1876, and was a contemporary of several very well-known artists, including impressionists Degas, Renoir, Pissarro and Manet. He was self-taught as a sculptor of clay dioramas. Because of limited money, he would often create his sculpture, photograph it, then tear it down in order to reuse the clay. His sculpture photographs appeared on many postcards. This entry, from the year 1910, is part of his "Life of Jesus" series, and is special because the entire series was shot in 3D stereo photography. You are viewing the right eye image of one of the stereograph cards. When placed in an antique stereoscope, the diorama comes alive in 3D. The entire series, which is considered quite scarce, is part of the Wonders of the Bible collection.

Thank you for looking and reading about today's selection. May God Bless You … Today and Every Day!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Garden of Eden Psychedelic Blacklight Poster

"The Garden of Eden": 1970 psychedelic poster. Many more "formal" institutions would not likely include 1960's Biblical-themed psychedelic art in their collections. But I do! I try not to miss anything when it comes to how the Bible has been visually depicted throughout history. From ancient Babylonian cuneiform clay tablets, to 21st century three-dimensional laser holograms … it ALL has a place in my Wonders of the Bible collection. As my grandma would say "Good enough is the enemy of your best". This is a "Day-Glo" poster, which lights up with brilliant florescent colors under a UV "black light". It was part of the "Jesus Movement" back in the late 1960's and early 1970's. God Bless You Today … and Every Day!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Aimee Semple McPherson at Chicago Coliseum

Here is a very rare piece of Christian memorabilia: an unused ticket to attend the Aimee Semple McPherson Revival at the Chicago Coliseum (USA). The revival ran from 16 June through 19 July, 1927. The back of the ticket says: "Don't miss one of these great meetings! Jesus' power falls! Sinners repent! Sick are healed! Seekers gloriously baptized with the Holy Ghost! A Gospel of power; old as the Bible; mighty enough to lift you to Heaven; personal enough to enter into your every joy and sorrow; powerful enough to heal your sicknesses; yet humble enough to get under the heaviest load and stand and knock for admittance to your Heart. All Seats Free. This admits bearer and friends to special reserved section."
With Wonders of the Bible, you hold a Bible Museum right in your hands. New posts regularly! God Bless You and Your Loved Ones … Today … and Every Day!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Abraham's Sacrifice by Rembrandt 1655

Abraham's Sacrifice. Rembrandt. 1655.
Genesis 22:11-12 -- " And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me."
Here we have a 1655 etching and drypoint from the world-famous artist REMBRANDT. He is generally acknowledged as one of the great etchers -- if not the greatest -- of all time. The title is "Abraham's Sacrifice", and it is part of the Wonders of the Bible collection.  It shows the angel staying Abraham’s hand and stopping him from sacrificing Isaac at the last moment. It is a 19th century pull from one of Rembrandt's original copper plates.  In the 19th century the plates became the property of the French publisher Auguste Jean and after him of the engraver Auguste Bernard, both of whom brought out new impressions. It is said that the Bible was Rembrandt’s most important source of inspiration. May God Bless You AND Your Loved Ones ... Today and EVERY Day! (Frank DeFreitas from Wonders of the Bible).

Friday, March 9, 2018

Revelation (Apocalypse) Title Page 1400s

This is what the title page of "Apocalypse" looked like in the late medieval period of 1400s. Later known as "The Revelation of St. John the Divine" (King James 1611 Bible). This amazing leaf is a recent addition to the Wonders of the Bible collection. I can now exhibit this to many people -- including those that do not have access to museums. God Bless You -- Today and Every Day!

Friday, March 2, 2018

E. J. Pace Poster of John 3:16

This poster, from the year 1922, was designed by Dr. E. J. Pace -- a christian artist and missionary to the Philippines. It contains a pen and ink illustration that visually depicts John 3:16 -- "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son." Dr. Pace was famous for taking scripture and drawing it -- so that the visual image showed what the scripture was saying. In this instance, God and the cross on Earth is connected by a chain. Each link in the chain corresponds with the letter "o" throughout John 3:16. This poster is a recent acquisition of the Wonders of the Bible collection. God Bless You … Today, and Every Day!