Monday, July 30, 2018

World Maker Faire New York 2018 -- Holograms

Do you have friends and family in the New York City, USA, area? If so, let them know that we will be exhibiting at World Maker Faire at the New York Hall of Science, September 22 and 23, 2018. Our exhbit is titled "Ancient Investigations: The Shroud and Chalice". We will have 3D laser holograms, micro and nano scripture, as well as other historical imaging science and technology relating to the Shroud of Turin and the Great Chalice of Antioch. God Bless You!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

View-Master: The Ascension

The Ascension: from an early 1940's-50's children's 3D film reel from View-Master. It depicts Jesus rising into Heaven. These scenes and figures were modeled entirely by hand, and shot onto early Kodachrome film. When placed into a stereoscopic viewer, the scene would be in full-color 3D. My Wonders of the Bible collection has one of the largest libraries of Christian 3D imaging technology in the world. Many pieces are the original studio large-format film masters. God Bless You Today -- and Every Day ... AND ... remember to love others, just as Jesus loves YOU!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Veil of Veronica 1649 engraving by Claude Mellan

Believe It or Not: This 1649 engraving of the Veil of Saint Veronica was made with one non-stop, outwardly spiraling line.

The engraver, Claude Mellan, turned and adjusted his engraving pen -- thicker and thinner, starting at the tip of the nose (shown above) -- as he continued to rotate the plate with his other hand.

The line never stops. When you view it up close, it is just a spiral. When viewed far away, it is the face of Jesus Christ.

God Bless You -- Today and Every Day!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Secondo Pia 1898 Shroud of Turin Photo

Officially stamped Shroud-of-Turin albumen photo from the original glass plate negative of Secondo Pia in 1898. This was the very first photo ever taken of the Holy Shroud. It captured the light that was reflected off the Shroud, and stored this moment in time ... when Secondo Pia opened the shutter of his camera on the evening of May 28, 1898. Contains the seals and signatures of Torino church officials. Not to be confused with a similar, much smaller rendition that is a lithograph. This has an actual albumen photo affixed (with the officiating seal emobossed into the lower left-hand corner of the photograph). Seeing this historical artifact in person -- one of only a few in the entire world -- is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I will be taking this piece on the road with me in future Wonders of the Bible exhibits -- including 2018 World Maker Faire at the New York Hall of Science, September 22 and 23. God Bless You -- Today and Every Day. AND love one another, just as Jesus loves YOU.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Shroud of Turin Exhibition Post Card 1933

Let's make July 2018 "Shroud of Turin" month here at Wonders of the Bible. This post shows a commemorative post card from the 1933 exhibition of the Holy Shroud in Turin, Italy. I'll have more postings coming up. And, as always, "God Bless You Today ... and Every Day!".

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Face in the Shroud

Can you see the face in the shroud? I took this photograph of an official Vatican authorized Shroud of Turin reproduction in Philadelphia, PA, USA. There are nine such "official" replicas in the world today. They are extremely accurate to the smallest detail. What you are seeing is a very accurate digital photograph of the face in the shroud (although a compressed JPG file). Just as it would appear to you in person. This is what the face truly looks like. May God Bless You -- Today and Every Day!