Monday, October 29, 2018

The BibleGraph: Pre- Internet Search Engine!

BIBLE-GRAPH 1940's - 1950's: Here is a "Biblegraph", from my Wonders of the Bible collection. If someone needed Biblical guidance, they would choose the topic, along with the day of the week, and the Biblegraph would give the precise Biblical scripture (book, chapter and verse) to read for that day. It served the same function as an internet search engine -- before the age of electronics! It also helped to get people through difficult times and situations with Biblical advice. God Bless You!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Christian Tract Art

ISAIAH 45:22 -- "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else." / You won't find many museums or galleries giving exhibits of the lowly paper religious tracts that have been printed in the millions upon millions. But I do not ignore them! I find their art work and design to be celebrated and seen. Here is one from the World Missionary Press. These are what are known as "throw aways" because so few people would keep them. I have religious ephemera going back over 150 years in my Wonders of the Bible collection. God Bless You -- Today and Every Day! -- AND -- Love everyone you meet … just as Jesus Christ loves YOU!

3-D Super Xograph Post Card

LUKE 18:16 -- "… Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Here we have a 3-D "super xograph" post card from the 1950's - 1960's. The title is "Children Praying". These Christian-themed post cards were very popular back in the mid 20th century; and people would send them and trade them between each other. Today, they are collectibles, and many are still available online that have never been used. May God Bless You -- Today and Every Day! Psalm 4:8 tells us: "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety."

Monday, October 22, 2018

NASA Lunar LASER Ranging Experiments: Proof of Young Earth?

What can a Laser tell us about Biblical Creation?

There are more earth/moon, system/age creation theories than I have fingers and toes. Scholars and experts have labored throughout history creating their very own accounts of the origins of the universe (and our earth-moon system in particular). As such, there are plenty of theories to choose from. But Jesus Christ does not play the multiple choice game. My presentation demonstrates that there is only ONE choice, and that it can be verified through modern laser technology: God created the universe during six 24-hour days; circa 6,000 years ago; placed the moon on day four of creation; and that the earth-moon system has remained stable ever since.

Whether one is learning about the theories behind an "old earth" at 4.5 billion years (and counting), or a "young earth" at circa 6,000 years, it nearly always turns out to be a complex, complicated affair. You may ask: "What Biblical creation information can we derive from the compiled data of the NASA Lunar Laser Ranging Experiments?". The answer is: "A LOT!".

Traditionally, many young earth proponents waste much time and effort to show how the 4.5 billion year evolutionary age theories of the earth are incorrect. I say forget it. If they don't match up with the Bible, they are ALL incorrect! My approach is different: I focus on how the young earth Biblical account of Genesis IS correct. Observationally correct. Mathematically correct. Miraculously correct.

Hello, my name is Frank DeFreitas. I have spent every day of my entire adult life working with the Nobel prize-winning fields of lasers and holography, co-wrote the world's best selling student instructional book on lasers and holography, and designed and built my own laser optical system for making 3D holograms. I am now happily retired, but continue to give presentations on Biblical based art, science and communication technologies.

It is November 2018. I am now back home after the second annual Creation Celebration Conference in Newark, Delaware, and my inaugural presentation of "NASA Lunar Laser Ranging Experiments: Proof of Young Earth?". Shown here in this photo (taken before I left), I am holding a lunar meteorite moon rock sample (NWA 5000) in tweezers, next to a retroreflector held in an Edmund Scientific optics mount (I saw my first laser beam and 3D hologram at Edmunds showroom as a kid ... waaaay back in 1968!).

The presentation was very well-received, and I hope that -- at the very least -- I was able to demystify the technical aspects of the NASA Apollo program Lunar Laser experiments: What is a Laser? How do they work? What were the NASA Apollo Laser experiments? What is a retroreflector? How does it function? Where are they located on the moon? How does it all tie in to the Biblical account of creation? Why is the truth about Genesis an important foundation of our faith?

Along with the technical, I also took the liberty to compare the complexities and variables of a 4.5 billion year age of the earth, to the mathematical simplistic beauty of God's placement of the moon on day four of creation for a young earth. Here I am referring to a "young earth" as the creation of our universe in six, twenty-four hour days, six-thousand years ago via the chronology of the first book of Moses, Genesis, in the Christian Holy Bible.

Using a safe, low-power classroom laser, I gave a demonstration showing how we bounce laser beams off the moon, utilizing an actual retroreflector assembly. I included a larger laser plasma tube for attendees to examine, and I used it to explain how a gas laser operates. There were also 3D laser holograms and various examples of micro / nano scripture on display. Attendees then had the opportunity to "Touch the Moon" ... a very popular activity with a lunar meteorite moon rock ... a piece of the famous NWA 5000. Not many people can say that they have touched the moon! After all, the moon is God's creation, too!

Upon completion of my presentation, attendees were (hopefully) more knowledgeable about lasers, optics, the NASA Apollo moon program, and how it all ties in to Biblical creation. Some of the younger audience members watched and heard -- for the very first time -- the Apollo 8 crew reading the Christmas Eve Biblical Genesis 1 message. They did not even know that it ever took place. One audience member shared with me how much the experience had moved them.

I also hope I was able to show that -- sometimes -- it is a waste of time, effort, and resources to always try to prove the other side wrong. Just keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and His Holy Word and keep moving forward. I do not care if a segment of the world wants to think that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. Why? Because the Bible has it right: God put the moon in place on Day 4 of creation ... and today it remains where He put it. As I calculate in my presentation, the NASA Lunar Laser Ranging Experiments show this to be true. And you don't need a Ph.D. to understand it.

It may not end the debate ... but will give audience members a LOT to think about!

Included in this Exhibit / Presentation:

* Power Point Presentation
A power point presentation covering the history and workings of the NASA Lunar Laser Ranging Experiments (with demonstrations, noted below), and presenting my case for a young earth interpretation of the collected data.

* Live Demonstration of a Laser / Retro reflector
See and learn how a laser works and how it creates a Laser "beam". See and learn how the Apollo retro reflectors work on the surface of the moon.

* 3D Laser Holograms
A tabletop display of 3-dimensional laser holograms. Featuring Biblical artifacts as seen in top museums around the world: the Louvre in Paris; the British Museum in London; and the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

* Moon & Scripture Exhibit
Biblical depictions of the moon, along with ancient tablets, scrolls and Bible pages.

* Microscopical Samples
View thin-slice samples dealing with the creation and formation of the Earth, moon and solar system, up-close via microscopes. Featuring the famous Allende meteorite (the best-studied meteorite in history), NWA 5000 lunar meteorite, and Strelley Pool Stromatolite microfossils.

* Famous Lunar Meteorite Moon Rock (NWA 5000)
A crowd favorite! You may never meet another person in your entire life on Earth that has touched the moon. Hold a piece of the moon in your hand, and say "I touched the moon!". The moon is God's creation too!

* Study Guide with Resources

* And always a few surprises...


MARCH 5, 2019: Scientific and Biblical Creationist Fellowship; 808 Old Baltimore Pike; Newark, DE 19702. 7:30 PM (Pay attention to any snow information). WEBSITE

APRIL 6, 2019: Creation Evidence Museum; 3102 FM 205; Glen Rose, TX 76043; All Day Exhibition; 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM lecture / presentation. WEBSITE

MAY 7, 2019: Institute for Scientific and Biblical Creation; 1383 Arcadia Road; Lancaster, PA; 17601. 6:30 PM WEBSITE

Call for a 2019 presentation: (484) 387-5320 or email:

Friday, October 19, 2018

Wonders of the Bible @ Creation Conference 2018

I will be presenting "NASA Lunar Laser Ranging Experiments: Proof of Young Earth?" at the above creation conference. I will also be providing a room of exhibition items. My presentation time is 10:30 on Saturday, October 20th. The conference is being held at Grace Church, 355 Papermill Rd., Newark, Delaware. For more information, or to register, please visit their web site at

Next month (November) I will be in Hershey, Pennsylvania. More info. on that soon.

Friday, October 12, 2018

John Proclaiming the Messiah

May GOD BLESS YOU ... Today and EVERY Day. Today's selection is a microphotograph titled: "John Proclaiming the Messiah", by John Stovin in the year 1859. The microphotograph is of an engraving from an earlier period. It is in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. The microphotograph is so small that it has to be viewed through a microscope. Part of my Wonders of the Bible collection. Always know that Jesus loves you. You are never alone. You are always safe in his loving arms. Day ... and night.

Miniature Gutenberg Bible

TINY BIBLE: One of the smallest versions of the great Gutenberg Bible. The original was much larger and was printed by Johannes Gutenberg in the 1450s. It is noted as the first book printed using movable metal type in Europe. This miniature version is a modern day printing. I continue to search the world over for the smallest Biblical scripture ever made. Some of it is printed, some is hand written, and some is through the use of various methods such as microphotography, and nano technologies. All part of bringing the Wonders of the Bible to YOU. May GOD BLESS YOU ... Today and Every Day! AND ... Remember to show love to everyone you meet ... just as Jesus Christ loves YOU!