Saturday, November 30, 2019

A Biblical Christmas Podcast

Synopsis: As we close out this first year of the Wonders of the Bible Podcast, I would like to thank you for inviting me into your homes, schools and offices. To wrap up my monthly programming, I would like to tell the real story of Christmas ... in celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ:

Lecture Podcast:
A Biblical Christmas Podcast

Total 2019 Lecture Count:

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Go to Web Page for Photographs and additional resources: CLICK HERE

Friday, November 1, 2019

Preserving the Word of God In Space

Synopsis: Lasers, optics and holograms will one day help to preserve the Word of God. Light-based communication technologies will be the de-facto mode of communication both within and between orbital space habitats. The photon will take the place of the electron within circuits, and take the place of traditional radio waves in free-space, point-to-point communications.

Lecture Podcast:
Preserving the Word of God in Space: Part One

Total 2019 Lecture Count:

You may also: (a) Download the MP3 File (16 MB / 16 minutes)

Go to Web Page for Photographs and additional resources: CLICK HERE

Monday, October 21, 2019

First Colonial-era Press Public Demonstration

I gave a presentation at a weekend Creation conference in Newark, Delaware (USA). It was their third annual event (and my third time participating). My presentation was on the Darwin-Genesis microfilm from 1875. I also took a Bible history exhibit with me, along with a working scale model of a "traveling printing press". Shown above: My new printing press, along with a U.S. Library of Congress facsimile of the title page of Genesis from their copy of the Gutenberg Bible. Printing Press technology changed very little from the time of Gutenberg, to the Colonial America era.

The press is 1/6 scale. It would be more accurately described as one of the presses that printers would take with them on the road as they traveled the countryside. There is not very much information about such activity online, but I have read stories about such activities. Along the way, they would stop in various towns and print Bible tracts, broadsides, etc., promoting Protestantism for the villagers. During the time of the Reformation, many were arrested, and in some cases, put to death. During the time of colonial America, it was an opportunity to take the word of God to areas outside the developing metropolitan colonies. This press could easily fit in the back of any horse-drawn wagon.

Here (above) you can see several recently-pulled copies that came off of the Press. I spent time before my presentation printing the first day of Creation, taken from the U.S. Library of Congress facsimile that I had on display. I had scanned it weeks before, then had it made into a rubber stamp. I made the copies, on the press, utilizing this stamp, rather than the usual hot metal type. For now, and in a pinch, it worked like a charm.

Here is a shot (above) of the room that I had for my exhibit and presentation. This was at Grace Church in Newark, Delaware. The row of pages over by the window included (left to right) a page from the famous "Gun Wad" Bible, printed in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1776. It has a fascinating history. Also exhibited on this table is a page from the 1600s English translation of Josephus (Noah's Flood); a page from the first printing of Pilgrim's Progress; the title page from "Life of Christ" owned by Elvis Presley at Graceland; and a New Testament English translation of Theodore Beza.

Another exhibit table of extraordinary Bible histories: (from left to right) a page from the Martin Luther German Bible; a handwritten and corrected sermon given by Charles Spurgeon; the Greek "Textus Receptus" of Erasmus / Stephanus; a page from the Matthew - Tyndale Bible; a first edition, first printing of the 1611 King James "He" Bible (were in Ruth it mentions "he" went into the village, instead of "she" ... a typo. This was corrected in the second 1611 printing). It is the title page from Genesis (the most sought-after Bible page in the world for collectors); and next to it on the right is the largest letter-press Bible in the world, printed in 1771, complete with a solid 24-karat goldleaf initial "T" to the book of Acts.

Here's a close-up of one of the printed pages on card stock given to those who attended my presentation (there were multi-presentations given throughout the day). Even though it was pulled from a rubber stamp, it was beautiful ... and a much better impression than ever using the stamp itself. The pressure from the press, as the worm gear applied force to the paper upon the rubber letters gave a beautiful impression. This was the first time the press was used. I hope to be able to do the same thing with the English version of Genesis from the King James Bible. I was surprised to find out how many people thought that the Gutenberg Bible was printed in German (it was printed in Latin ... from Jerome's translation into the Latin Vultage).

And, finally, here I am waiting for my participants to arrive to my presentation. I have just finished printing my hand-outs from the Gutenberg Press.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Shroud of Turin Laser Hologram Research

Lecture Podcast:
Shroud of Turin Laser Hologram Research

Total 2019 Lecture Count:

You may also: (a) Download the MP3 File (15 MB / 15 minutes)

(b) Go to Web Page for Photographs and additional resources: CLICK HERE

Monday, September 16, 2019

Traveling Colonial-era Printing Press

Gutenberg-style Press: I had someone make a custom colonial-era press for my presentations. It had to be (1) tabletop, (2) portable, and (3) a completely working printing press (at a fraction of the size). Jack the cat is helping me to print Genesis 1:1-5 -- "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth ..." With my next exhibit and presentation, people will be able to print their own copies right from the printing press ... just as Gutenberg did way back in 1452, creating what is now known as the Gutenberg Bible.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

World's Smallest Ten Commandments

Here is, from what I can tell, the smallest rendition of the Ten Commandments. It is yet another great microphotograph from John Benjamin Dancer in the 1800's. The label that you see on the right-hand side of the slide is actually the merchant (Stanley Optician at London Bridge). The notation on the left-hand label, J.B.D., is the initials for Dancer.

I'm not 100% certain that this still *remains* the smallest 10 commandments in the world today. But I do know that it was the Lord's Prayer that was most often used as a reference standard for miniaturization.

In any case, it is certainly a beautiful illuminated example ... especially for being so minute!

I had come across the world's *largest* ten commandments, so it reminded me that I had the world's smallest in my Wonders of the Bible collection.

The upcoming September 2019 podcast lecture will be on the world's smallest handwriting, so stay tuned.

God Bless You ... Today and Every Day.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Light and the Word of God Podcast

Lecture Podcast:
Light and the Word of God

Total 2019 Lecture Count:

You may also: (a) Download the MP3 File (10 MB / 10 minutes)

(b) Go to Web Page for Photographs and additional resources: CLICK HERE

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

1550 Textus Receptus (Revelation)

1550 "Textus Receptus": Title Page to REVELATION. Stephanus is most famous for his printing of religious texts such as his four editions of the Greek New Testament, 1546, 1549, 1550, 1551. Wonders of the Bible Collection. God Bless You Today and Every Day -- AND -- Remember to always love others, just as Jesus Christ Loves YOU...

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Thursday, May 23, 2019

1865 Notre Dame Stereograph

1865 Albumen / Tissue stereograph of the Norte Dame Cathedral in Paris, France (left eye view). Stay tuned for the JUNE 2019 lecture / web page (now in place): "1800's Stereographs Reveal Early U.S. Christian Life in 3-D".

While most of the stereo view cards of the late 19th / early 20th century had typical "popular" culture content, there existed a small coterie of stereo photographs that went around and documented Christian living.

It is my collection of these specific stereographs that sets it apart from the rest ... including those collections held by academic institutions.

My impression is that they were passed over as a "novelty" ... and not taken as seriosuly as more traditional photographs of the period. That is a shame because, when comparing 2D photos to 3D stereographs, the stereographs just come to life.

However, the lack of interest helped me over the years, because it made them less sought after ... and, therefore, less expensive to own.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

1898 Shroud of Turin Exhibition Medallion

Gold (plated) medallion from the Shroud of Turin exhibition of the year 1898. This was the famous exhibition that produced the first photographs of the Shroud, taken by Secondo Pia. Wonders of the Bible collection. May God Bless You ... Today ... and Every Day!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Mater Dolorosa Post Card

Mater Dolorosa. Beautiful 19th century chromolithography post card. May God Bless You Today and Every Day!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Religious Freedom in America Postage Stamp

YEAR 1957: "Religious Freedom in America" postage stamp. First day of issue envelope with stamps. Wonders of the Bible collection. Category: Ephemera. God Bless You Today and Every Day!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Holy Bible on 1754 Colonial Currency

This bill is one of 4,000 pieces of paper currency released on March 9, 1754. Authorized by the colony of North Carolina.  The bill includes the image of the Holy Bible in the form of what appears to be a woodcut.  It is estimated that less than 500 of these bills survive today.

I took this bill with me to my last presentation and was pleasantly surprised at fascinated attendees were seeing it. I also had Biblical-based coins as well ... mixed in with my usual 3D laser holograms, microscopic scripture, lenticulars, and various other "Wonders of the Bible".

Friday, May 3, 2019

"Our Father..."

"Our Father..."  Late 19th / early 20th century embossed gilded post card. This is the first in a series that depicted the Lord's Prayer, verse-by-verse.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Micro Lord's Prayer Put Man on the Moon

Lecture Podcast:
Micro Lord's Prayer Put Man on the Moon

Total 2019 Lecture Count:
You may also: Download the MP3 File (8 MB / 12 minutes)

Go to Web Page for Photographs and additional resources: CLICK HERE

Friday, April 19, 2019

May 2019 Podcast: Lord's Prayer and the Moon Landing

UPCOMING MAY 2019 PODCAST: "How the Lord's Prayer Put A Man on the Moon". My upcoming topic for May will be how 19th century microphotography (and the Lord's Prayer in particular) led *directly* to the computers that landed a man on the moon. It is a story that has never been told before, so stay tuned, right here at Wonders of the Bible … God Bless You Today and Every Day!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Working on my home studio

Hello dear friends. Please excuse me for my recent lack of posting. I am working on completing my home studio. Since I am no longer at my lifelong studio, I must start from the beginning at my retirement residence. I am also having fun working with 1950's and 1960's electron tubes (valves). You see, my microphone (Telefunken) and microphone preamplifier both require tubes. So I am experimenting with different combinations to get just the right sound. What is the right sound? Well, for me, the right sound is to sound better than all the rest! It has been a very time-consuming process.

I even have medical-grade power supplies feeding clean electricity into my recording equipment.

But I do appreciate your patience, in hopes that the end-result will be a pleasure for you to listen to.

For many of you who may not be aware, I was the host of the online radio show HoloTalk beginning back in the mid 1990's ... long before the word "podcast" was ever thought of. A lot has changed since then, most of all the ability to record and offer high quality audio online. Back in the day, I had to deal with 14.4 dial-up modems!

If you are interested in keeping up to date with monthly programming, you can find the lecture web page HERE.

The April program is on "80 Years of Christian View-Master". And the upcoming May program will most likely be on the "3-D Image in the Shroud of Turin".

Saturday, March 30, 2019

80 Years of Christian View-Master

80 Years of Christian View-Master

Total 2019 Lecture Count:
You may also: Download the MP3 File (6 MB / 7.5 minutes)

More lectures, photos and resources: CLICK HERE

Friday, March 22, 2019

Join Us for our April 2019 Lecture

April is just around the corner, and it will be time for the latest in my 2019 lecture series. My topic will be the history of Christian View-Master. I hope that you will visit us here on the blog, or over at our Wonders of the Bible web site. Either way, I look forward to presenting another program in the series. Stay tuned and may God Bless You Today ... and Every Day. -- Frank (and Debi) DeFreitas.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Upcoming April 2019 Podcast

 It is not too early to let my online friends know about the upcoming April 2019 podcast. The content will be "View-Master: The Bible in 3D". I will be taking a look at how the world-famous View-Master stereoscope brought Christian-based content into our homes, schools and churches in the 20th century. I'll also share very rare, one of a kind, View-Master items such as original scripts; studio photography (4x5 Kodachrome shown above of "The Birth of Jesus"); production studio art work; various ephemera; and more. I've got a very special Christian program in the works for all of you in April! Stay tuned! May God Bless You Today -- And Every Day! -- Frank DeFreitas

Friday, March 1, 2019

Christian Hologram Podcast (March 2019)

LECTURE: Holograms Part One (8 MB / 15 Minutes)

My 2019 audio lecture series index page: CLICK HERE

Friday, February 1, 2019

Darwinism and the Rewriting of Genesis

A 144-year-old piece of microfilm shows how Biblical Creation in Genesis would be rewritten, and replaced, if 19th century Darwinian evolutionists had their way at the time.

The microfilm is so small, that it requires a laboratory microscope to read it. "It is about the size of a single snowflake," says Frank DeFreitas, a retired laser holographer.

DeFreitas is a collector of microscopic and nano-scale Biblical scripture and art. He lives in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

The microfilm was acquired by DeFreitas through a microscopical broker located in the United Kingdom. The U.K. is the 19th century birthplace of Charles Darwin, father of the theory of evolution.

Properly termed microphotography, it was developed in the United Kingdom by microscopist John Benjamin Dancer in the mid- 1800s. It was the highest level of imaging science and technology of its day. It would eventually lead to 20th century micro computer circuits that would send satellites into space, and take mankind to the moon and beyond.

DeFreitas says that he believes that it was used by its maker, a Mr. Edward Wheeler, as a curiosity during his lecture circuit. "Wheeler was a very successful manufacturer of high-end brass microscopes in the 19th century. His passion was lecturing, and he was very well known in England at the time."

Evolution was a hot topic during the time period of the microfilm. Especially well-attended debates between evolutionists and Biblical Creationists.

"I am a Biblical Creationist according to the exact record of the first book of Moses, Genesis." says DeFreitas categorically. "I believe that this piece of microfilm provides hard, indisputable physical evidence of an intention to undermine the creation account of the Holy Bible ... or why would it have ever been written in the first place?"

February 12, 2019 will be celebrated as Charles Darwin Day around the world.

DeFreitas has created a McAfee secure Genesis-Darwin Microfilm Web Page that contains photos taken through his microscope, and a full transcription of the microfilm content.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Mother and Child Prayer Stereograph 1800's

Proverbs 22:6 --- "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." As we see here in this stereograph from the 1800's. God Bless You -- Today and Every Day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Cooper Square Gutenberg Bible: Revelation

GUTENBERG BIBLE: This title page from the Book of Revelation (apocalypse), was printed by Cooper Square Publishers of New York, NY. The Gutenberg Bible project was started in the year 1956, and completed in the year 1961. They duplicated all of Johann Gutenberg's processes, and the results were facsimiles exact to the original … from the inks to the cotton rag paper. Sources for this edition were Gutenberg Bibles from the Berlin Staatsbibliothek and the Fulda Landesbibliothek. I usually display this page along with the title page to Genesis. The Gutenberg Bible was printed between the years 1450 and 1455. There are only 20 known complete copies in the world today. God Bless You -- Today and Every Day! *AND* Remember to love others, just as Jesus Christ loves YOU!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Rembrandt: Christ Clearing the Temple

Matthew 21:12-13 / "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves." / Here is a beautiful copper plate etching by the world-famous artist Rembrandt in year 1635. It is a 19th century re strike, made for the Louvre in Paris by etcher Amand Durand with his red stamp on reverse. 136 x 168 mm (image/plate); 139 x 174 mm (sheet). From the Wonders of the Bible collection. God Bless You -- Today and Every Day in 2019!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Space Flight

One is not likely to find many references to space flight trajectories when reading commentary on 1 Thessalonians 5:17: the famous "Pray without ceasing" verse given by Paul. With frequent prayer we have the ability to make the same micro trajectory adjustments in life as spacecraft does on a mission. Read my very first monthly commentary, January 2019: "1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Space Flight".