Saturday, February 29, 2020

Jane Aitken Philadelphia Printer

Jane Aitken, Philadelphia printer and bookbinder, was the first woman to print the Holy Bible in America. Listen to the latest podcast to learn more about her life and times:

Lecture Podcast:
Jane Aitken Bible Printer

Total Audience (All Podcasts):

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Go to Web Page for Photographs and additional resources: CLICK HERE

Friday, February 28, 2020

Billy Graham Record for Teens

Here we have a Billy Graham plastic record titled: "Billy Graham Answers Teen-Agers Questions". I am not certain of the year, but my guess is that it is probably early to mid 1960's. Questions to Mr. Graham include:

  • How can a teenager witness for Christ?
  • What about dating and going steady?
  • What about prayer habits and daily devotions? Are they necessary for a teenager?
  • How can I know the will of God for my life?
... and other questions.

I have not played the record, but it would be interesting to see if there is a recording of it online somewhere (or, if not, to put one here).

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Do It Now! Christian Ephemera

An antique evangelism card from the early- to mid- 1900's. Part of the Wonders of the Bible large collection of Christian ephemera.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Bible Related Coin Collection

A quick snapshot of my humble Bible related coin collection. Coins from the era of Pontius Pilate, Constantine, a Widow's Mite, and the first US coin to have "In God We Trust" minted on it. Also shows pre-revolutionary paper currency with a Bible printed on it, and one of my favorites: a complete set of Lord's Prayer coins ... the kind that you put into a machine and it flattens your coin and mints something on it. These machines are still around, and you're most likely to find them at tourist sites. But you're not likely to find one that stamps the Lord's Prayer any longer. This is a complete set containing a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and half-dollar. I would like to add a sheckel someday when finances allow. They're rather pricey coins! Right now, I'm financing the matting and framing of many pieces for the Wonders of the Bible exhibit space. Fortunately, my graphic arts skills have been allowing me to design and execute each Bible leaf exhibit, which has kept costs down considerably. But more on that later.

I now have expanded to two large rooms: one will be the Bible exhibit room, including the history of the Bible in Early Pennsylvania; and the new, second room will be for future communication technologies, such as lasers, holograms, and photonics.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

William Penn: No Cross No Crown Podcast

Synopsis: Before traveling to the Americas, William Penn wrote several books that are now considered classics. One of those books is titled: No Cross, No Crown, and was written while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London, due to his Faith:

Lecture Podcast:
William Penn: No Cross No Crown

Total Audience (All Podcasts):

You may also: (a) Download the MP3 File (10 MB / 10 minutes)

Go to Web Page for Photographs and additional resources: CLICK HERE