Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coming in April 2020

I noticed that I didn't have a post for March of 2020. So I thought -- on March 31st, no less -- that I should put one in place. I do not think that I ever missed a month since beginning this Wonders of the Bible blog ... but as many of you throughout the world are painfully aware, it has been one of the most challenging months in world history. With Covid-19 in the news, and in our lives daily, please (1) keep the faith; (2) follow all guidelines; and (3) stay positive and productive.

I do have a podcast and web page coming up for April and, in fact, it is in place today. I will post the podcast here in the next day or two. I won't say what it is, or what it is about, since I don't want the search engines to pick up this post instead of the upcoming one.

Here I am holding in my hand what the podcast will be about. Stay tuned, and learn all about this most interesting piece of Bible history ephemera.

Happy Birthday today to Mrs. D.