Saturday, August 1, 2020

August is Christian Ephemera Month

As the title of this newest post states, August is going to be Christian Ephemera Month here at the Wonders of the Bible Blog. I have been a collector of ephemera dating back to the mid 1970's, beginning with my laser and holography collection. In fact, I was a collector of ephemera before the founding of the Ephemera Society of America (founded in 1980). I have always loved "old paper".

With this month (August 2020), I will be showcasing selections from my Christian-based collection. I don't do much with this aspect of the collection, as most people view it as "junk that other people would just throw away" ... which is precisely what ephemera is all about: collecting the throw-aways of yesteryear.

I hope you enjoy the month. I will try to post on a regular basis. There is certainly a lot to choose from!

This selection today is a printed pamphlet called "Truth in a Nutshell" by Harold F. Sayles. It is known as a "tract". No year of publication is noted, but I would be willing to guess that it falls sometime in the late 1800's to early 1900's.

I would love to be able to make audio files while reading these pieces ... what they wrote back then, still holds true today. Maybe that is a project for sometime in the future.

-- Frank DeFreitas