Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Jesus and Satan 1871

Jesus and Satan 3D stereo view card from the year 1871. A most unusual image from F.G. Weller. This card has great 3D when placed into a stereoscope. One can see that it is not a flat illustration, but an actual 3D constructed miniature diorama. May God Bless You throughout the upcoming year of 2018 ... Today and EVERY DAY!

 Update Mon Aug 22, 2022: I have received the following information about this most unique card: "The scene is from the book Pilgrim's Progress, and it's actually meant to be Satan pouring water on the fire to put it out and Jesus keeping it going by pouring oil. There were originally 12 of them, and they would be numbered from 667 to 678. The one you blogged a picture of is called "The Fire secretly sustained," and it's number 670. Others are: 668 ("Christian starting on his journey."), 669 ("Christian at the Wicket gate."), 673 (The arming of Christian."), 674 ("Christian's combat with Apollyon."), and 678 (Christian and Hopeful cross the River.").

Thanks to E.V.D. for the above information.