Tuesday, June 1, 2021

New Bible History Show Launching July 4th 2021

I will be launching a new Wonders of the Bible web site, blog, and YouTube channel on July 4th, 2021. WOTB will always be WOTB, that will not change, but I will be able to bring you new programming that will highlight all of the Bible history items in the collection: a sort of "television" show that will be "The Greatest Show and Tell this side of Heaven".

It will be for all ages, and viewers will learn about each item in the Wonders of the Bible collection: its history; how it was created; why it is important to Bible history; and more.

So stay tuned, you won't want to miss all of the great programming planned for you here at the new Wonders of the Bible Show.

Top photo and update: isn't the ocean beautiful? This beach is a short drive from our new retirement home at the sea shore. Today (June 1st) we are having a new heating and air conditioning system installed. It will be the final major project (hopefully!) that will complete our move.

Look for the new Wonders of the Bible Show launching on Independence Day, July 4th, 2021.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Just got the new WaveLab Cast

 Here's a screen shot of the new WaveLab Cast by Steinberg. I've been waiting for a simple-to-use program that I will use strictly for editing and converting to MP3.

I have the majority of my recording equipment as outboard analog gear.

From what I understand, it was just released as a download today, so I grabbed it as soon as the the email came through. I already have the full Cubase ... but it was far too much overkill for simply editing and converting a single spoken voice podcast.

I thought I'd post a photo of the user interface, since I'm sure people will be curious to take a look. Steinberg also have a "regular" WaveLab program, and this appears to be similar in appearance, if not in features.

I've been a big fan of Audacity for many, many years. And, my very first digital workstation dates back to the 1990's with a program called Macromedia Deck II. Back then, the files were converted to RealAudio format. And the stream consisted of 6 kilobits per second. Remember this was back with 14.4 modems (or a 28.8 if you were lucky ... and rich).

And here is a sample that I just finished. For this sample, and to demonstrate the complete program, I did not use any of my outboard equipment (UA LA-610 MKII, etc). I took the raw digital file, and completed it in the WaveLab Cast. This was actually a lot of fun. And, for podcast hobbyists, I believe this new production app will be very appreciated. The microphone is a Neumann 705, fed through a SOYEZ analog launcher, into a Soundcraft Signature desk. Conversion was done with a Denon Professional DN-300R MKII rack unit at 24/48. This was then transferred into my Mac workstation running the WaveLab Cast software program, and converted to 128k MP3. As follows:

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

WOTB Podcast Updates for 2021

For 2021, the majority of my podcasts will be centered around the topic of collecting the history of the Bible.

The first podcast of the new year is titled: Collecting Bible History: A Guide.

 You can listen now by CLICKING or TAPPING HERE.

As a vintage broadcasting hobbyist, I continue to enjoy working with all of the various broadcasting vacuum tubes: Western Electric, RCA,  Sylvania,  CBS Hytron, GE, Ken-Rad, Telefunken, Mullard, Phillips, Mazda, etc.

The combination of so many tubes, along with various microphones, insures that no two podcasts are ever the same.

I always try to have a little fun thrown in with all of the production work!

Many of my late 2019 and all of my 2020 podcasts were recorded to magnetic tape. I still do not have my tape recorder in place here just yet -- but I'm working on it.


Monday, January 4, 2021

George Washington and the Bible

The first bible printed in New York was the 1792 Rev. John Brown Self-Interpreting Bible. It was offered in individual installments, by subscription, and the very first subscriber was then-President George Washington. The names of over 1,200 subscribers are included. The Bible was printed in 40 sections, one section per "issue", and it took two years to complete.

If you would like to add one of these Bible leaves to your own collection, make certain that it is a 1792 Bible. There are many from the 1800's -- but these are not the edition that was subscribed to by Washington, nor were of the first Bibles printed in New York (if those two points happen to be of interest to you).

No need to repeat any addtional information here at this time, as there are many references to this Bible -- and its connection to Washington -- already online. I will save further examination(s) for my yearly July 4th Independence Day postings when the time comes.

 I also have a stereoview card (non-3D stereograph) from Keystone View Co., of George Washington's well-worn family Bible. To be honest, with the typesetting and the illustrations shown, it actually looks a lot like the Brown Bible.

It reminds me of seeing -- in person -- the Bible of Thomas Edison and his wife. One could see clearly that these two Bibles were used heavily. Just like the heavily-used Washington family Bible above, it is surprising that -- for people that others say were not "religious" ... or even "atheists" -- their Bibles were beaten up from use. Come to your own conclusions.