Wednesday, January 6, 2021

WOTB Podcast Updates for 2021

For 2021, the majority of my podcasts will be centered around the topic of collecting the history of the Bible.

The first podcast of the new year is titled: Collecting Bible History: A Guide.

 You can listen now by CLICKING or TAPPING HERE.

As a vintage broadcasting hobbyist, I continue to enjoy working with all of the various broadcasting vacuum tubes: Western Electric, RCA,  Sylvania,  CBS Hytron, GE, Ken-Rad, Telefunken, Mullard, Phillips, Mazda, etc.

The combination of so many tubes, along with various microphones, insures that no two podcasts are ever the same.

I always try to have a little fun thrown in with all of the production work!

Many of my late 2019 and all of my 2020 podcasts were recorded to magnetic tape. I still do not have my tape recorder in place here just yet -- but I'm working on it.