Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1950s: Jesus Heals the Blind Man (3D Lenticular)

1950's: Jesus Heals the Blind Man. 3D "lentograph" of actual diorama by famous Christian artist Paul Cunningham. Lenticular by world-renown 3D artist Victor Anderson. Dioramas in this series were in The Prince of Peace Memorial in Silver Springs, Florida; and The Prince of Peace Museum in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Lenticuar part of the Wonders of the Bible Collection. 12 x16-inches (30 x 40 cm) in size. Depicting the book of John chapter 9.

A ragged beggar sits beside the dusty road in total darkness -- for he's been blind since childhood. Pedestrians hasten past him, ignoring his outstretched arms. Will someone drop a scrap of bread in his lap -- or at least give the poor man a drink of water? Most won't. Most will hurry past him saying "he is none of my business ... I can't be bothered."

Then his keen ears tell him that one passerby has stopped. A hand is extended. He feels the gentle touch of Christ's fingertips ... as a strong, clear voice says "as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." Suddenly, the gloom is lifted, for Christ has given him the priceless gift of sight.

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